Bring Japan to Your Community
Domestic Programs
Japan Bound was formed out of our staffs' ambitions and our community's wonderful response to the experiences they've shared with our students. We work with over 1,000 Japanese High School students every year, participating in local high school visits, Leadership sessions and various community service activities.
Over the years, we've had many people in the community ask about visiting Japan themselves and sending their own kids or students. After hearing the demand, we decided to use our skills and experiences unique to Japan to help create life-changing experiences for the youth in our local communities.
However, this doesn't divert attention away from our domestic programs that have become the pride and joy of what we do and we understand that not everyone can afford to travel. If you're interested in gaining exposure to Japanese culture or providing meaningful experiences for your kids, please fill out the form below to get in touch with us and we can try to collaborate on new program ideas to create shared experiences for all of our students!
GPI US, Los Angeles Office
6230 Whilshite Blvd Ste. 2164
Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA
GPI US operates programs in both the U.S. and Japan. Our top-quality programs challenge, inspire, and educate our students and help them to develop their global competency.
We'd love to hear from you!
If you have any questions or comments for us, please email info@gpius.net
We are always looking to connect with members of our community to enhance our Japan programs!